
What Is Overhead Service Drop Cable With Steel Runner Called

Aluminum Service Drop Cable (Overhead)

What is a service driblet? Service Drop Cable Definition: In electric power distribution, aservice drib is an overhead electric line running from a utility pole, to a customer's building or other premises. Information technology is the bespeak where electrical utilities provide power to their customers. A Service drop cable is ane that is used for energy transmission from the pole to your building and typically come in a diverseness of sizes in either 2, three, or four conductors. Service Drib Cable is as well referred to as: overhead service drop cablevision, Aluminum Service Drop Cable, and Secondary Service Drib Conductor.

1X Technologies Service Drib Cable is Manufactured and tested in accordance with applicable ANSI / ICEA, UL and CSA standards. Additionally, our consummate line of Aluminum Service Drib cables are available in numerous usher design and cable assembly options to see your Utility & Ability Visitor's specific low-voltage secondary distribution project requirements. Furthermore, Nosotros provide yous with quality service drop cable products at a off-white price, ensuring a totally reliable service for your commercial and residential customers.

Specifically, we aim to deliver quality service drop cable sending power from secondary power line or pole-mounted transformers to your customers' service entrances. Above all, choose our 1XTech® overhead 600 Five service drop cables are available in many sizes and in constructions of duplex, triplex and quadruplex neutral-supported service driblet cables. These overhead aluminum service drop cables as well come in Opposite Twist Secondary (RTS) and Parallel Lashed Aeriform Cable (PLAC) designs to facilitate easier stage conductor separation for mid-span taps.

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Service Drop Conductors – Duplex, Triplex, Quadruplex


Overhead Aluminum Duplex service drop cablevision uses: To supply 120 volts aeriform service for temporary service at construction sites, outdoor or street lighting.

Aluminum overhead service drop cable For service at 600 volts or lower at conductor temperatures not to exceed 75°C for polyethylene insulated conductors or 90°C for crosslinked polyethylene (XLP) insulated conductors.


Overhead Aluminum Triplex service drop cable uses: To supply power from the utility's lines to the consumer'due south conditions-caput.

Triplex overhead service drib cablevision is for overhead service drop service at 600 volts or less (phase to phase) at a conductor temperature of 75°C maximum for polyethylene insulation or 90°C maximum for cross-linked polyethylene (XLP) insulated conductors.


Overhead Aluminum Quadruplex service drib cablevision uses: Quad / Quadplex / Quadruplex overhead service drop cable is used to supply 3 phase power, commonly from a pole mounted transformer to the user's service head where connection to the service archway cable is fabricated.

overhead Aluminum service drib cablevision to be used at voltages of 600 volts or less phase to stage and at conductor temperatures not to exceed 75°C for polyethylene insulated conductors or 90°C for cross-linked polyethylene (XLP) insulated conductors.

Duplex Service Drop Cablevision Specification Information

Duplex Overhead Aluminum Service Drop Cable

Duplex Service Drib Product Clarification

One concentric-lay-stranded all aluminum usher covered with HMW polyethylene or cantankerous-linked polyethylene twisted together with i bare either AAC, ACSR, or AAAC concentric lay stranded neutral.


Used in the overhead distribution of power from pole to edifice weatherhead.

Specification Data

ASTM B-230 Aluminum 1350-H19 wire for electrical purposes
ASTM B-231 Concentric-lay-stranded aluminum 1350 conductors
ASTM B-232 Concentric-lay-strande aluminum conductors, coated-steel reinforced (ACSR)
ASTM D-1248 Polyethylene plastics molding and extrusion materials
ASTM C-eight.35 Specifications for weather-resistant polyethylene-covered wire and cable
ICEA South-61-402
NEMA PUB NO. WC 5 Standards publication thermoplastic insulated wire and cable for the transmission and distribution of electric energy

Duplex Service drop cable size chart

AAC Service Drop Duplex

Code Word Phase Conductor Blank Neutral Messenger Weight Per k ft. (lbs.) Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Covering Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Rated Strength (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Pekingese six 1 45 6 7 563 61 62 seventy 85
Collie half dozen 7 45 6 7 563 64 66 70 85
Dachshund four 1 45 4 seven 881 92 94 xc 115
Spaniel four 7 45 4 7 881 96 99 xc 115
Doberman 2 7 45 2 seven 1350 147 149 120 150
Malemute ane/0 19 60 one/0 7 1990 234 237 160 205

ACSR Service Drop Duplex

Lawmaking Word Phase Conductor Bare Neutral Messenger Weight Per one thousand ft. (lbs.) Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Covering Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Rated Forcefulness (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Setter 6 1 45 6 6/1 1190 63 64 70 85
Shepherd vi 7 45 6 6/1 1190 75 77 seventy 85
Eskimo 4 i 45 4 vi/one 1860 110 112 xc 115
Terrier 4 7 45 iv 6/one 1860 115 117 90 115
Chow 2 7 45 2 six/i 2850 176 178 120 150
Bull 1/0 nineteen 60 i/0 vi/ane 4380 280 282 160 205

AAAC 6201 Alloy Service Drib Duplex

Code Give-and-take Stage Conductor Bare Neutral Messenger Weight Per 1000 ft. (lbs.) Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Roofing Thickness (mils.) ACSR Equivalent (AWG) Stranding Rated Strength (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Chihuahua half dozen i 45 6 7 1110 63 64 70 85
Vizsla 6 7 45 6 7 1110 66 67 70 85
Harrier 4 1 45 4 7 1760 99 100 90 115
Whippet four vii 45 4 7 1760 101 102 ninety 115
Schnauzer 2 seven 45 ii 7 2800 157 159 120 150
Heeler 1/0 nineteen sixty ane/0 seven 4460 250 252 160 205

+Conductor temperature of 90°C for XLP, 75°C for Poly; ambience temperature of 40°C; emissivity 0.9; 2 ft./sec. wind in sunday.

Triplex Service Drib Cable Specification Information

Triplex Overhead Aluminum Service Drop Cable

Aluminum Triplex Overhead Service Drop Product Description

Ii stranded all aluminum conductors covered with HMW polyethylene or XLP twisted around a bare stranded aluminum conductor.


Used in the overhead manual of power from pole to building weatherhead.

Specification Data

ASTM B-230 Aluminum 1350-H19 for electrical purposes
ASTM B-231 Concentric-lay-stranded aluminum 1350 conductors
ASTM B-232 Concentric-lay-stranded aluminum conductors, coated-steel reinforced (ACSR)
ASTM D-1248 Polyethylene plastics molding and extrusion materials
ANSI C-8.35 Specifications for weather-resistant polyethylene-covered wire and cable
ICEA S-61-10-2
NEMA PUB NO. WC 5 Standards publication thermoplastic insulated wire and cable for the manual and distribution of electrical energy

Triplex Service drib cable size chart

Triplex AAC Neutral-Messenger

Code Proper noun Phase Conductor Bare Neutral Messenger Weight Per 1000 ft. (lbs.) Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Covering Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Rated Strength (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Patella 6 7 45 six 7 563 103 103 70 85
Oyster iv 7 45 iv 7 881 156 160 90 115
Clam 2 7 45 2 vii 1350 232 238 120 150
Murex ane/0 7 sixty 1/0 7 1990 373 383 160 205
Purpura 1/0 19 threescore 1/0 seven 1990 370 380 160 205
Nassa two/0 7 threescore 2/0 7 2510 461 472 185 235
Trophon two/0 19 60 ii/0 7 2510 456 467 185 235
Melita 3/0 19 60 3/0 19 3310 562 562 215 275
Portunus four/0 19 sixty four/0 xix 4020 696 696 245 315
Nannynose 336.four 19 fourscore 336.4 nineteen 6146 1118 1118 325 420

Triplex ACSR Neutral-Messenger

Code Proper noun Phase Usher Bare Neutral Messenger Weight Per 1000 ft. (lbs.) Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Roofing Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Rated Strength (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Paludina 6 1 45 6 vi/i 1190 109 110 lxx 85
Voluta 6 7 45 vi 6/1 1190 116 118 seventy 85
Scallop 4 1 45 six six/1 1190 143 146 xc 115
Whelk 4 one 45 4 vi/1 1860 165 169 90 115
Strombus iv 7 45 6 half-dozen/i 1190 156 160 90 115
Periwinkle 4 7 45 four 6/ane 1860 172 176 90 115
Cockle 2 7 45 four 6/1 1860 227 233 120 150
Conch ii 7 45 two six/1 2850 261 267 120 150
Janthina ane/0 7 sixty 2 6/1 2853 365 376 160 205
Neritina ane/0 vii 60 1/0 vi/1 4380 419 430 160 205
Ranella 1/0 19 60 two half dozen/one 2853 362 372 160 205
Cenia 1/0 19 threescore 1/0 6/ane 4380 416 428 160 205
Cavolinia ii/0 7 sixty 1 6/1 3550 451 462 185 235
Runcina 2/0 7 60 2/0 six/1 5310 519 530 185 235
Clio 2/0 nineteen lx 1 vi/one 3550 437 444 185 235
Triton 2/0 xix threescore 2/0 vi/one 5310 514 526 185 235
Aega 3/0 19 60 1/0 6/one 4380 549 559 215 275
Mursia 3/0 19 lx 3/0 6/1 6620 626 633 215 275
Cerapus 4/0 19 60 2/0 6/1 5310 670 678 245 315
Zuzara 4/0 19 60 4/0 half dozen/one 8350 777 785 245 315
Limpet 336.iv nineteen fourscore 336.iv 18/1 8680 1147 1161 325 420

Triplex 6201 Alloy Neutral-Messenger

Code Name Stage Conductor Blank Neutral Messenger Weight Per one thousand ft. (lbs.) Commanded Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Covering Thickness (mils.) ACSR Equivalent (AWG) Stranding Rated Strength (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Minex half dozen one 45 vi 7 1110 101 102 70 85
Hippa 6 7 45 six 7 1110 105 107 70 85
Artemia 4 1 45 six vii 1110 132 134 90 115
Prawn 4 1 45 four 7 1760 152 154 xc 115
Crab iv 7 45 6 7 1110 141 144 90 115
Barnacle 4 7 45 4 7 1760 157 160 xc 115
Solaster two 7 45 4 7 1760 212 216 120 150
Shrimp two 7 45 2 7 2800 238 243 120 150
Sandcrab ane/0 7 sixty two vii 2800 341 348 160 205
Gammarus ane/0 vii lx 1/0 7 4460 384 390 160 205
Echinus 1/0 xix threescore ii vii 2800 336 342 160 205
Leda 1/0 19 60 ane/0 7 4460 378 384 160 205
Dungenese 2/0 7 60 ii/0 7 5390 474 481 185 235
Cyclops two/0 19 60 2/0 7 5390 467 473 185 235
Fulgar 3/0 xix 60 1/0 7 4460 518 525 215 275
Flustra 3/0 19 sixty 3/0 7 6790 588 596 215 275
Arca 4/0 19 60 2/0 7 5390 632 640 245 315
Lepas four/0 nineteen threescore iv/0 7 8560 716 725 245 315

+Conductor temperature of 90°C for XLP, 75°C for Poly; ambient temperature of 40°C; emissivity 0.9; two ft./sec. wind in sun.

Quadruplex Service Drop Cable Specification Information

Quadruplex Overhead Aluminum Service Drop Cable

Overhead Aluminum Quadruplex Service Drib Product Clarification

Iii stranded all aluminum conductors covered with HMW or cross-linked (XLP) polyethylene twisted effectually a bare ACSR conductor.


Used in the overhead manual of power from pole to building weatherhead.

Specification Data

ASTM B-230 Aluminum 1350-H19 wire for electrical purposes
ASTM B-231 Concentric-lay-stranded aluminum 1350 conductors
ASTM B-232 Concentric-lay-stranded aluminum conductors, coated-steel reinforced (ACSR)
ASTM D-1248 Polyethylene plastics molding and extrusion materials
ANSI C-8.35 Specifications for weather-resistant polyethylene-covered wire and cable
ICEA Due south-61-402
NEMA PUB NO. WC 5 Standards publication thermoplastic insulated wire and cable for the transmission and distribution of electrical free energy

Quadruplex Service driblet cable size chart

Quadruplex AAC Neutral-Messenger

Code Name Phase Conductor Blank Neutral Messenger Weight Per chiliad ft. (lbs.) Commanded Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Covering Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Rated Forcefulness (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Clydesdale 4 1 45 4 vii 881 198 199 80 100
Pinto 4 seven 45 4 7 881 211 218 80 100
Mustang 2 7 45 2 7 1350 312 318 105 135
Criollo 1/0 19 60 1/0 7 1990 505 520 140 180
Percheron 2/0 19 60 two/0 vii 2510 622 639 160 205
Hanovarian 3/0 19 60 3/0 19 3310 750 761 185 235
Oldenburg 4/0 nineteen 60 iv/0 19 4020 928 941 210 275

Quadruplex ACSR Neutral-Messenger

Code Name Phase Conductor Bare Neutral Messenger Weight Per thou ft. (lbs.) Commanded Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Covering Thickness (mils.) Size (AWG) Stranding Rated Forcefulness (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Morochuca 6 ane 45 6 6/1 1190 145 147 60 75
Chola vi 7 45 half-dozen vi/i 1190 153 158 lx 75
Morgan 4 1 45 4 6/1 1860 217 219 fourscore 100
Hackney 4 7 45 4 6/ane 1860 229 236 80 100
Palomino 2 7 45 2 6/i 2850 346 355 105 135
Standardbred 1/0 vii lx ane/0 6/one 4380 557 573
Costena 1/0 19 60 ane/0 half-dozen/1 4380 551 566 140 180
Grullo ii/0 xix 60 2/0 6/1 5310 680 697 160 205
Suffolk three/0 19 60 iii/0 half dozen/one 6620 824 835 185 235
Appaloosa four/0 19 lx 4/0 half-dozen/1 8350 1042 1063 210 275

Quadruplex 6201 Alloy Neutral Messenger

Code Name Phase Conductor Blank Neutral Messenger Weight Per thou ft. (lbs.) Allowable Ampacities+
Size (AWG) Stranding Roofing Thickness (mils.) ACSR Equivalent (AWG) Stranding Rated Force (lbs.) POLY XLP POLY XLP
Bay 6 one 45 half dozen 7 1110 137 137 lx 75
French Charabanc vi 7 45 half dozen vii 110 146 146 60 75
German Passenger vehicle 4 1 45 4 7 1760 205 205 80 100
Arabian four 7 45 iv vii 1760 217 217 lxxx 100
Belgian 2 7 45 2 7 2800 328 328 105 135
Shetland i/0 19 sixty ane/0 7 4460 519 519 140 180
Thoroughbred 2/0 19 60 2/0 7 5390 639 639 160 205
Trotter 3/0 nineteen 60 3/0 7 6790 789 789 185 235
Walking 4/0 nineteen sixty iv/0 vii 8560 977 977 210 275

+Conductor temperature of 90°C for XLP, 75°C for Poly; ambient temperature of 40°C; emissivity 0.9; 2 ft./sec. air current in sun.

overhead aluminum service drop types

Service Drop Cable Manufacturers Supplier [Utility Blazon Cables Supplier]

1X Technologies Cable Company is a professional person aluminum utility type cable manufacturers supplier in Buffalo, Wyoming USA, serving our customers around the world.

Our Utility product line also includes: AAC, AAAC, ACSR, ACAR, Galvanized Steel Wire, Aluminium Clad Steel Wire, PVC wire, PVC/XLPE power cable, Aeriform Bundled Cablevision, rubber cable, control cable, Medium Voltage Power Cable 2kV – 46kV, High Voltage Ability Cablevision 69kV – 550 kV, and finally, our submarine power cable for transmission of power and data on the ocean floor.

Overhead Service Driblet Cable Customization

1X Technologies has always been the go to supplier for custom cable and customized wires for enervating electrical applications. Furthermore, we have the capability and technology required to fully customize your Service Drop Cable in any mode, shape, or form you may crave.

We can make bigger sizes, longer lengths, or special colors for your cables sheath / jacket. We tin can armor your service drop cable, or nosotros tin double jacket the cablevision for further durability.

Aluminum Overhead Service Drop Cablevision PDF Spec


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